Thursday, July 27, 2006


Weeeeell I had a lot of plans for today.... then lay down about 10.30 with a book and must have dozed off. Woke up at just before 3 when tony rang me lol.

SO tired. Combination of really crappy sleep lately cos of the heat and my normal bad sleep coupled with testing myself yesterday. I decided to see how I coped with being out of the house and in Beeston high street (so a fair amount of people), all day. I coped OK, I got pretty tired and my back was hurting by about 2pm and I was starting to get anxious. I managed to calm myself down and stay til it was time to pick up tony so I count it as a good success. A year ago I wouldn't have been able to stay even 3 hours let alone all day so I am quite proud of myself.

The website rewrite is going OK, has been so long since I have done any html it's all a bit gibberishy to me again but It's slowly coming back. Have decided to go very simple unlike the flashy graphics from last time.

That's all for now :)


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