Sunday, August 13, 2006

When Heroes Die

It is with absolute sorrow I write here about the passing of David Gemmell at his home on 28th July 2006. He had come through the trauma of a quadruple bypass and seemed to be recovering well, was at home and up and about. He got up that night and went down to his study to write and was found the next morning at his computer by his wife, Stella.

I had the privilege to become friends with David and his wife through my husband Tony becoming one of his Test readers. They were a remarkable couple, totally devoted to each other and true soulmates. My thoughts and heart are with Stella now and remain so through this difficult time.

David Gemmell was described by many as a living flawed hero, who knew how to write flawed heroes and he did it with passion, empathy and a storytelling ability surpassing that which has been seen so far and in my mind will never be seen again.

What do you do when heroes die? You remember him for the incredible man that he was, mourn at his passing yet celebrate that he lived at all. He left an incredible legacy which will live for decades to come and still teach us and our children about the type of people we want to be, and the choices we can make.

Rest well David, You will be sorely missed and we will never forget you.

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